Step 7: A Look Back


It’s already been a month?! What the Fork?!

This is it, the final step - your tools for looking back at what worked and what didn’t according to your plan and making your new/revised plan!


Rewind your mind a month (like a cassette tape – a sort of retrospective). Have you noticed any changes in your behavior or what you choose to (not) do? Even if you didn’t finish all of your tasks, did you think about your focus roles and tasks throughout the month?


How’d it go with your three legs? (a joke to set the mood:  A three legged dog walks into a saloon in the wild west. He bursts through the door and announces: “I’m looking for the man who shot my paw!)

Compare this with your ratings in the meaning mapping. Has anything changed?


That’s it - you should be able to take the lessons learned from this month to help propel you towards even more success next month.  Make sure you take some time to review your important roles for next month, align with your big goals and map your success.

In closing, we’d just like to say…

Congratulations, Goal Master. You have learned a lot about what’s meaningful to you, the big goals you have, the roles you play, and made the tasks you set out happen. We hope the methods you’ve learned here have been helpful, that you are getting a better understanding of what’s important and what's not important for your personal, professional and community connections. We see you are sitting on a much more solid three legged stool and are equipped with the tools to adjust as life throws you for a tilt. 

Do a little dance and feel good about the work you’ve done to get here. We’d love to hear from you about your journey. We also lead groups through this exercise and would be happy to tell you more about that.