Welcome to the pod planner
Feeling like there’s a whole lot of uncertainty and not much you can control? Thinking about the future? Us too. In fact, at pod, we think about planning and authentic connection…. so much that we’ve created a guide to intentional life planning to foster real connection! It started with a post in March 2019 (a lifetime ago) about personal off-sites and has grown into a full blown planner. We are excited to share it with you.
Fun, purposeful planning for happiness
Step 1: Why you need to plan
Before we kick off the exercise, let’s talk about why planning is so important. We homo sapiens crave authentic, human connection. When we don’t have it, it can lead to loneliness, disengagement, and hollow relationships. Yowzers, that took a dark turn! In fact, one of the oldest ongoing studies in history started in 1938 following 268 people and now their families.
Step 2: How This Works
In Step 2, we’ll talk through the steps of how the pod planner works and the importance of giving yourself time and space to do this exercise meaningfully.
Step 3: Map Your Meaning
This time, we’re going to go through an exercise to help you identify what is meaningful to you and what you spend your time on (spoiler alert - those may not be the same things!).
Step 4: Big Goals
When you think about your goals, write about your future vision in the present tense.
Step 5: Life Roles
This time, we’re going to break down the process to achieving those goals by focusing on your life roles. You know, life roles, all the parts you play in life.
Step 6: Map It Out
In this step we are going to bring it all together with focused tasks!
Step 7: A Look Back
This is it, the final step - your tools for looking back at what worked and what didn’t according to your plan and making your new/revised plan!