Step 6: Map It Out
In our last step, we looked at all the roles we play in life and picked our 5 to focus on [link to the previous post] for the next three months. In this step we are going to bring it all together with focused tasks!
Did you know that by writing down your goals so far, you are increasing your likelihood of achieving them by 42%? And you are well over halfway done with this exercise, not much left now – nice work!
Next, you'll list 3-5 tasks that you can do this month that will support each of your top 5 roles. When you do this, think of the things you will be most proud of at the end of the month and the things that will help you reach your big goals. What will you have achieved that you can look back on with satisfaction?
If one of your roles is “Kick Butt Yogi”, what are the tasks that can get you there this month? Where can you add these to your schedule to help you achieve your big goals?
Sometimes we give ourselves tasks that are overwhelming. Remember that we tend to overestimate what we can get done in the short term and big or overwhelming tasks can sabotage progress. If just looking at a specific task makes you want to do literally anything else, it might be a good candidate for micro tasking or breaking down further.
Micro tasking is a great strategy to use for big or overwhelming tasks. Think through the task in front of you (like find a new job) and break it down into smaller tasks that aren’t as intimidating and can be completed in a reasonable amount of time:
You get the idea, make that big task smaller and achievable. Not only will this make you more likely to complete the tasks, but you’ll get the additional adrenaline rush of checking things off as you go. Buy yourself some star stickers when you're feeling really good about your accomplishments!.
Reflect on this at least weekly (daily is better) to remind yourself of your goals and plan.
Use this as a guide when you find yourself scrolling through Instagram. Is there something better you can do with your time?
Yes, yes, there is.
Also, if you need a break, take a break. Have white space, down time. If you need to change your goal, change it.
Check over your tasks and make sure they are all achievable. All good? Now do a little dance. Seriously, get up and dance or do a tiny little shimmy, you Future Goal Master you! When we dance our brains release endorphins, which studies show can lead to increased feelings of fun, relaxation and power.
Now, put your tasks on a calendar.
Increase your likelihood of achieving your goals by putting your tasks on a calendar (we’ve got one for you). Check off your tasks as you go through the month, give yourself a star for each of your achievements (why aren’t we giving ourselves stars all the time?).
Science shows that checking things off a list releases dopamine (that feel good hormone) and can motivate you to keep up with your goals! Use this as a tool to manage your month.
Almost done! Just a few more important notes:
Tell someone that matters to you: Studies consistently show that we are much more likely to complete tasks and stick to our goals if we share them with someone we respect. That 42% that we mentioned earlier by just writing your goals down further increases to 78% by telling a friend.
By telling your trusted circle about these commitments, you’ll create accountability partners and increase your chance of success significantly!
Keep your notes on this exercise nearby where you will see it often (next to your bed, in your work bag or in the kitchen to review at breakfast).
Once you have reached the end of the 4 weeks you can…
Buy yourself an ice cream!
It doesn't have to be ice cream, but it should be something that feels like a reward for you. Maybe it's going for a run, watching your favorite show or sports, or making your favorite meal are great things too! It is important to reward yourself for a job whale done! Be happy with whatever you did. This isn’t about being perfect or overachieving, but instead ensuring that what is important to you gets your attention and priority. Positive reinforcement can help habits stay on track, so this reward is critical.
High Five! You did it! Whale done! Only one step left and that is the retrospective process!