The 10/5 Rule
The loneliness epidemic is real, study after study shows that we are less connected than ever and it’s taking a huge toll on our physical and metal health.
According to a recent study by sociologists at Duke University and the University of Arizona, Americans’ circle of close friends and confidants has shrunk dramatically over the past two decades. The number who say they have no one outside of their immediate family to discuss important matters with has more than doubled, reaching a shocking 53.4% — up 17% since the dawn of the Internet and social media. What’s more, nearly a quarter of those surveyed say they have no close friends or confidants at all — a 14% percent increase since we all became so digitally connected.
That statistic made us really sad. Also, we are heading into the holiday season, which can amplify feelings of disconnectedness for so many, so your friends at pod have a suggestion to make things a little brighter: follow the 10/5 rule.
The 10/5 rule is very simple:
When you see someone who is 10 feet away from you, smile. When someone is 5 feet away from you, say hi.
That’s it and we promise, it works. It was tested in a hospital setting (staff were instructed to follow the 10/5 rule) and it completely transformed the culture of the hospital, increasing patient outcomes and revenue. Ritz Carlton and other other hospitality companies have also used this method with success, so I decided to try it out for myself.
For the first week, when I saw someone 10 feet away, I smiled, even if they were looking at their phone and I was pretty sure they didn’t see me at all. When we got closer in the hall, I would say “hi” and some people genuinely looked startled that someone was talking to them. During the next week, I started to get more people smiling back at me and even a few of them saying hi before I did, which was really exciting. It felt like everyone wanted to be smiling and saying hi, we were all just waiting for someone to be the first one to do it!
Several weeks into this experiment, I was invited to a meeting with someone I hadn’t met yet. When I sat down, she said; “I’m so excited to meet with you. I have been seeing you in the halls and I wanted to get to know you!” I was so shocked and happy that my 10/5 experiment had made my first impression for me!
The 10/5 rule is my routine now and I’m so glad to have adopted it.
Small things can make a big difference. Just saying hi and smiling at someone could transform their day. The 10/5 rule costs nothing to implement and takes no time out of your day. Give it a try and let us know what happens! We’d love to hear from you.