At pod, we help you unleash the collective creative genius of your team with design thinking and problem solving sessions.

We envision workplaces as vibrant hubs of innovation, where the synergy of science-driven employee engagement and collaboration fuels a future of boundless creativity. Join us in shaping a dynamic and inspired corporate landscape.

Authentic connection and clarity are fundamental to team happiness (happy teams are 12x more productive). But we don’t often have the tools or expertise. Our teams are challenged like never before and 85% of our workforce is disengaged costing the US $450 billion each year. We can help.

what do you and your team need today?

  • Science-backed sessions to unleash the creative genius of all team members, even the introverts! We can help your team get un-stuck and come up with creative innovative solutions.

  • Often innovation struggles when individual and team goals are unclear. We can help you all get on the same page to accelerate your innovation journey.

  • Sick of lame icebreakers and trust falls? We got you.

  • Need to develop expert facilitation skills on your team? We can help.

Need help? Not sure how to get started with yourself, your leadership team or broader team? Already feel like ‘I got this’ but could use 1:1 help, a live workshop, team or ideation session?

As a global partner to organizations and companies, we elevate innovation in teams and leadership.

Email us at to schedule a 30 minute meet and greet to see if it’s a mutual fit.